Fostering Christian growth through Bible study and fellowship.

Welcome to the Boeing Employees Bible Fellowship website!

The Boeing Employees Bible Fellowship (BEBF) of Puget Sound is dedicated to assisting Boeing employees, retirees, vendors and contract laborers with Bible study and fellowship within The Boeing Company. Bible studies occur before or after work and during lunch time, depending on the Bible study group. Our other activities include maintaining a local directory of contacts, providing resources for establishing and developing study groups, coordinating special events.

What the Bible is All About…

The Old Testament is an account of a nation (the Jewish Nation). The New Testament is an account of a Man (the Son of Man). The nation was founded and nurtured of God in order to bring the Man into the world (Genesis 12:1-3).

God Himself became a man so that we might know what to think of when we think of God (John 1:14, John 14:9). His appearance on the earth is the central event of all history. The Old Testament sets the stage for it. The New Testament describes it.

As a man Christ lived the most perfect life ever known. He was kind, tender, gentle, patient, and sympathetic. He loved people. He worked marvelous miracles to feed the hungry. Multitudes-weary, pain-ridden and heartsick-came to Him, and He gave them rest (Mathew 11:28-30). It is said that if all the deeds of kindness that He did were written, the world could not contain the books (John 21:25).

Then He died-to take away the sin of the world, and to become the Savior of men.

Then He rose from the dead. He is alive today. He is not merely an historical character, but a living Person-the most important fact of history and the most vital force in the world today. And He promises eternal life to all who come to Him.

The whole Bible is built around the story of Christ and His promise of life everlasting to men. It was written only that we might believe and understand, know and love, and follow HIM.

What the Bible is All About, P. 23

By: Henrietta C. Mears

Why Read the Bible

Why Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims and Other Religions or the Non-Religious Should Want To Read the Bible

More copies of the Bible printed than any other book known to mankind.

Printed in more languages than any other book known to mankind.

Conclusion: any person sincerely seeking truth would at least want to consider a book with its many qualifications.

Unique book, no other book known to mankind like it:

One-third of its prophecy is historically verifiable (Isa 46:9-10)

“…I am God and there is none like me,
Declaring the end from the beginning,
and from ancient times things that are not yet done.”

Incredibly specific and detailed

Opposite of the natural expectations of human beings

Example: Tyre (Ezek. 26:4-5, 12-14, 19-21) destroyed, never rebuilt, never inhabited again

“…I will scrape her dust from her, and make her like the top of a rock.

It shall be a place for the spreading of nets in the midst of the sea …

And they shall lay thy stones and thy timber and thy dust in the midst of the water …”

History: Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon laid siege to Tyre, it lasted 13 years, then fell; thousands fled into the sea by boat to form the new city of Tyre on an island a half mile out in the Mediterranean – prophecy only partially fulfilled.

250 years later, Alexander the Great attacked the Persian Empire. He commanded Tyre to surrender – they laughed at him. Alexander built a causeway across the half mile of the Mediterranean to the island of New Tyre. He used the material from old Tyre, literally scraping the rock bare. New Tyre was destroyed and leveled. Today, fishermen spread their nets on the flat rock to dry.

Only ancient book that we know which has been preserved accurately. Jews kept tabs on every letter, syllable, word and paragraph.

One of the oldest books known to mankind; goes back about 6000 years.

Written over 40 generations spanning over 1500 years; written by over 40 authors from every walk of life, yet it has consistency and harmony:

Writers: Moses, a political leader with the highest education; Peter, a fisherman; Amos, a Herdsman; Joshua, a military general; Nehemiah, a cupbearer; Daniel, a prime minister; Luke, a doctor; Solomon, a king; Matthew, a tax collector; Paul, a Rabbi.

Different places: Moses in a wilderness, Jeremiah in a dungeon, Daniel in a palace, Paul in prison, Luke while traveling, John on Isle of Patmos, David in rigors of military campaign.

Different times: David in times of war, Solomon in times of peace.

Different moods: Some in heights of joy and some from depths of sorrow and despair.

Written on 3 continents: Asia, Africa and Europe.

Written in 3 languages: Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek.

Hundreds of controversial subjects: history, law, poetry, parable, allegory, biography

Unique in its survival: written on material that perishes; yet, there is more manuscript evidence for it than any 10 pieces of classical literature combined.

Survival through persecution: many have tried to burn it, ban it, or outlaw it from Roman emperors to present-day Communist countries. Voltaire, a Frenchman who died in 1778, said that in 100 years the Bible would cease to exist. Today few people know who Voltaire was; 50 years after his death, Bibles were produced on his printing press and distributed from his home. Circulation of the Bible continues to increase.

Survival through criticism: no other book has been so chopped, knifed, sifted, scrutinized, and villified; it is unique in facing its critics.

Unique in its influence on other literature: Bible dictionaries, Bible encyclopedias, Bible lexicons, Bible atlases, Bible geographies and many thousands of books on theology, education, hymnology, missions, history, commentaries, philosophy, apologetics and general literature.

Foundation of Western Thought:

President Herbert Hoover in 1943: The whole inspiration of our civilization springs from the teachings of Christ and the lessons of the prophets. To read the Bible for these fundamentals is a necessity of American life.

Motto in England is: God save the queen.

Motto in America is: In God we trust

Foundation of our Government:

The principles for the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution come from the Bible.

Tools for Leading a Bible Study

Here is a simple format you can use to start and lead a Bible study: 

  1. Pick a Book in the Bible or prepared material

  2. Set up a location/time for the study in a conference room, restaurant, etc.

  3. Personally invite those interested and advertise on Employee Bulletin Boards via a sample flyer

  4. Gather together to share and pray for each other, our company and nation.

  5. Open fellowship with prayer

  6. Go through these questions for group discussion.

  7. Share prayer requests and end with prayer.

Contact any of the officers listed on our About Page at any time for help or suggestions.  Bible study leaders listed at other locations in Puget Sound are also an excellent source.

- Psalm 119:105 NKJV

“Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.”